
To our extended Lolita’s Family,
The health and safety of our Team Members, Guests, and Community are our top priority. Since the beginning of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we have been following the guidance provided by the CDC, World Health Organization (WHO), state and local health departments. To continue to maintain a healthy environment in all our stores, we have implemented new protocols for our Team Members and Guests to follow.
What You Can Expect From Us
• Healthy Team Members
– daily health and temperature scans for all team members
– team members are asked to stay home if sick
• Clean Restaurants
– increased frequency and extent of sanitizing surfaces, door handles, POS systems, pens and restrooms
• Personal Protective Equipment
– all team members will be wearing face coverings and gloves when required
• Frequent Hand Washing
• One tap Mobile Payments now accepted at select locations. Please utilize payment methods such as Apple Pay, Android Pay and Google Pay as much as possible.
– Chula Vista, Bonita, Kearny Mesa, and Eastlake (Sunbow 5/26 and East Village contactless payment coming soon)
• There will be a limited number of guests allowed to enter the building. This number varies by location.
• Control the flow of traffic throughout our stores.
– floor signage will help ensure social distancing, making it easier to navigate where to order, as well as lead you
to the exit
• Provide hand sanitizer at entry and counter
What We Ask From You
• Avoid entering the facility if you have a cough or fever
• Wear a face covering — No mask, no service
• Please read and follow door and floor signage
– floor signs will help you ensure social distancing (maintaining a minimum of six ft from one another)
– show you where to order
– show you where to exit, keeping a one way flow of traffic where applicable
• There will be a limited number of guests allowed to enter the building. This number varies by location. Please be patient.
– we may ask you to wait outside for your order
The Lolita’s family is taking every possible precaution to provide a safe and clean place for you and your family. We also want to remind you that you can order ahead by calling any Lolita’s and we will have your order ready when you walk in. Click Here to find a Lolita’s Mexican Food near you.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to serving you soon.
The Farfán Family